Why are there so many different churches and denominations?
Churches are to do with people. All who are truly in Christ and wanting to follow Him will ant to meet together to worship, pray, praise, hear God’s Word preached, enjoy fellowship and serve God.
Sadly, almost from the beginning of Christianity, people have drifted from simply accepting what the Bible says. Often morality or politics has become the message instead of the living truth found in God’s Word. There is nothing more dull and dismal than religious rites and ritual without the reality and vitality of knowing a living relationship with God. When groups have gone like this, in time God has raised up others who establish a church or Christian gathering of people who love the Lord and His word, and who simply want to meet with others who seek to put God first in their lives.
Look for a Church which really does love the Lord Jesus and seeks to follow Him.
Such a group will pray and study the Bible together. They will believe the historic Christian Gospel, and will do their utmost to share Christ with others.
Churches like this are far from boring, but will be caring, enthusiastic and growing – their joy and love is infectious. However, you will never find the perfect church.
If you were looking for a gathering of whole and healthy people you would not go to a hospital. A church is a gathering of sinners – if they have trusted Christ, they are forgiven sinners. Nevertheless, until heaven, nothing on earth, even the church, is perfect. Despite this, all who know and love the Lord Jesus will want to meet with other believers to worship, work and witness together. Jesus set the example of worship. We read, ‘So He came to Nazareth where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read’ Luke 4:16
Look at this word. CH_ _ CH – What is missing?
The answer is simple: UR!
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