Why do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?
I’m not sure that I did believe the Bible, until I began to read it, I started at John’s Gospel, and as I read I became convinced of its authority and authenticity. It, or rather God, spoke to me through its pages.
The written Word of God is a collection of sixty six books which make up one complete and sufficient volume. Although written over 1550 years ago, by about forty authors from different backgrounds, they have a perfect unity. They each speak of humanity’s ruin through sin, and God’s remedy through Christ the Saviour. He brought forgiveness, and the Holy Spirit brings new life to those who believe. Imagine today trying to collect the writings of forty authors who have written since 500 AD – what strongly varying ideas they would have! But throughout the Bible there is no contradiction in thought or theme.
The Old Testament part of the Bible looks forward to the coming of Christ; the New Testament part describes His life, death, resurrection and work in the world today. Hundreds of times, in minute detail the Bible prophecies the future. Apart from those concerning the end of the world, these specific predictions have been fulfilled to the letter. For example, crucifixion was devised about 300 BC; but about 700 BC the prophet Isaiah and about 1000 BC, King David describe how Jesus would be slain. They, together with other Old Testament passages, tell us that He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver, have His garments gambled for; die a poor man’s death with the wicked people in the prime of His life; be crucified between thieves but be buried in a rich man’s tomb; His hands, feet and side would be pierced; His bones would be pulled apart but not a bone in His body would be broken; as He died, He would be bearing the sin of the world on His shoulders, and that He would be buried and rise from the dead.
Only God is able to look into the future and accurately write down in the present what will happen in the future.
The Bible has God’s imprint on it. Will you try reading John’s Gospel with an open mind and see for yourself?
‘I believe the Bible is the best gift God has given to man. All the good from the Saviour of the world is communicated to us through this book’ – Abraham Lincoln
The Bible says ‘ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness’ – 2 Timothy 3:16
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