What does the Bible have to say to Hindus?
Do you believe in reincarnation?
No! The eternal God is the one how has hold us in His Word, the Bible, ‘It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment?’(Hebrews 9:27), God’s knowledge about these things is greater than the fanciful thinking of human beings.
In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus told the story of a rich man, and a poor beggar called Lazarus. Both died. Lazarus, because of his trust in God (that is what his name meant), went to be with God. The rich man who showed his contempt for God by his lack of concern for his neighbour, went to hell. There, in torment, he lifted his eyes to heaven and begged for mercy. The answer came back ‘……between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot nor can those from there pass to us.’ Later he was told that if people do not take note of God’s Word they will not be persuaded though one rose from the dead.
What a person does with Jesus Christ matters for all eternity. We are not saved by our own works, and our lot in the next life does not depend on us being good enough to achieve high value for the next world. While here on earth, we are either made acceptable in God’s sight through the Lord Jesus, or we will be found guilty of rejecting God’s remedy for sin, and therefore we will be lost forever.
Reincarnation is a burden too great to bear’ – M Ghandi
This answer is from the book Grill a Christian by Roger Carswell.
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