What does the Bible say about the occult?
What’s wrong with the occult?
The Bible teaches that there is a devil. He was an angelic being created by God. Originally he was pure and holy.
Satan wanted God’s Throne and led a rebellion against his Creator. He was cast out of heaven to hell, which was made by God for the devil and his angels. Jesus said, ‘I saw Satan fall like lighting from heaven.’ (Luke 10:18).
Ever since, Satan’s subtle strategy has been to try to make people imitators of him and turn against God. Satan has power, but not absolute power. He does amazing things, but it is foolish to dabble with anything to do with Satan.
God said to the people of Israel, ‘There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens or sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead, for all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord.’ (Deuteronomy 18-12).
Whether it is ouija boards, horoscopes, fortune telling, playing tarot cards or black magic, God forbids it, because He loves us, wants the best for us, and desires to protect us from harm. Innocent ‘fun’ quickly exposes the person to Satan’s influence and power which is real, but wrong. A person can know fullness of joy and peace through knowing God, and does not need to search for the pleasures of sin which last only for a short time.
Christ who resisted Satan’s temptations came to destroy the works of the devil, and through his death and resurrection can do that in lives today.
One day the devil will be ‘bound….cast into the bottomless pit’ and eventually ‘ cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.’ (Revelation 20:2,3 and 10).
Have you experienced complete pardon from and power over sin which comes through Christ’s presence in your life?
‘ A man beaten by the occult and demons, was ostracised, constantly harmed himself, and resorted to nakedness, shame and mental derangement. Normal human treatment failed to help him. He had a wonderful experience when introduced to the Saviour. His sanity returned, and his decency, composure and joy. From then on he wanted to tell others about Christ, and the deliverance he had found from spiritism.’ Read the story in Mark chapter 5.
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