What good has Christ ever done for the world?

Florence Nightingale

Jesus Christ is the greatest man of history. He did not come to call righteous people to Himself, but sinners. When such people turn from their sins in repentance and trust Christ by faith, He completely changes their lives. These transformed people have received a desire and a power to change their world. Many of Britian’s social reforms were brought about through Christ changing lives: William Wilberforce worked for the abolition of slavery, after he was converted to Christ; Elizabeth Fry and John Howard worked for prison reform because of their love for Christ; Lord Shaftesbury, a committed Christian, worked for the poor, changing laws governing work in factories and for children; Dr Barnardo, George Muller and Thomas Stephenson showed God’s love for individuals by housing orphans; Florence Nightingale cared for wounded soldiers because she was grateful to God for His love for her.

Our educational system is indebted to Christians for its origin, as are hospitals and many welfare institutions. Even trade unions had their beginnings in Methodism, as did the Labour party.

Christ gave dignity to women, respect to the disabled, significance to children, credibility to the family, and status to each individual. We owe our democratic freedoms to people who laid down their lives so that we might have freedom of conscience in the land. Christ has made an indelible impact upon our literature, art, music and architecture.

As missionaries have taken the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world, people who have been held in the grip of pagan darkness have been liberated and given new joys in living, and peace with God, as well as with themselves and with others.

Isaac Newton

Many of the world’s greatest scientists have been people who have trusted in God and believed in the person of Christ. They have laboured to discover the workings of nature, believing that God is reliable, and a God of order. Examples include: Leonardo da Vinci, Johann Kepler, Francis Bacon, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Nicholas Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday, Humphrey Davy, Samuel Morse, Louis Agasiz, Louis Pasteur and George Washington Carver.

Primarily, He has forgiven millions of people who have simply trusted Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. He has given joy, peace, power and love to those who have come to know Him in a personal way. He has been a guide and friend to all types as they have faced the joys and difficulties of life He has been with them as they have died, and he has taken them to be with Him in heaven.

One Christian song was written by a man whose wicked life was completely changed by Jesus Christ.

Amazing Grace!
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me –
I once was lost, but now am found;Was blind but now I see.

– John Newton, converted slave-trader


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